2013年4月10日 星期三

          Are you aware that the news you are watching is interlaced with Communist China's propaganda,as Communist China maps a realm of news with innocent lives?
Communist China is scheming a millennial terrorist activity by manipulating people's behaviors through electromagnetic waves to contain criticism and harm innocent human lives.

1. The anomaly in community traffic of cars and motorcycles and drag racing,and reckless honking by cars and motorcycles is exceeding an unprecedented level.
2. Communist China has the technology to scan the human brain waves through military satellite and to discern and decipher their thoughts,scheming to instill individual interference focusing on
each individual in need using the satellite electromagnetic waves.
3. Deploying electromagnetic waves is poised to project onto the human brain with certain sounds for the perception of grossly traumatizing or startling pain,or deploying the broadcast of noise via electromagnetic waves in sleeping humans with edited clips of films or through voice or image signals onto our brains or besiege our sensory functions with fabricated
audible and sensory illusions.
4. It manipulates one's moods,such as
smiling,nervousness,disgust,panic,anger,sorrow,desires,appetite,and so forth.
5. It interferes the human brain's thinking capability,memory or linguistic capability,to name a few,causing spasms of muscles and fingers in the left and right hands,stinging aches throughout the body,coughing,yawning,trembling,involuntary blinking of the eye,runny
nose and so forth.
6. Electromagnetic waves are deployed to hinder the motoring functions of the body and neck,disrupt the heartbeat or respiration,manipulate dizziness,deprive one's sleep,spasm,saliva gland,dental neural pain,etc.
7. Watch out that Communist China is infiltrating the news media by deploying electromagnetic waves to besiege the broadcast media,map out viral disillusion or erroneous perception,and investigate threats of brainwashing in viral spreading.
8. It further moved to deploy various symptoms in what one sees of media icons,gesture terms,adding a skewed interpretation to one's cognitive awareness,misleading an individual to hallucinate or suffer



一. 社區汽機車來往或飆車的異常,汽機車的亂按喇叭.....以前沒有的情況
二. 小心新聞媒體、傳媒,可能有中共入侵
三. 不知名的遠程可以讀心的侵腦軍事武力,中國有發展科技可能利用衛星,接收偵測遠距離外我們每個個別的人的腦資訊,進而解讀,知道其思想。
四. 利用電磁波干擾人的腦,進而嚴重或輕微影響身體、四肢、頸等的活動。產生頭痛、暈眩、精神萎靡
五. 干預心跳或呼吸、影響嗅覺、味覺的認知等....左右睡眠、抽筋
六. 使人腦對某些突然的聲音感到嚴重驚悸、困噩、痛苦,或播放現實沒有的鼓聲在腦中...使其感到煩躁、不安或失眠...
七. 破壞頭腦的思想力、理解力、記憶力或語言能力,甚而控制使手指頭抽動,四肢身體上一個點肌肉跳動 、顫抖、反射、眼皮抖動.....,進而對於這些或所能利用的各種症候或所見所聽,如媒體、圖案、所說的話....對事
八. 影響控制情緒,如傷心、平靜、厭惡、一個微笑、神經緊張、暴躁,左右情慾、食慾
九. 在人睡夢中,播放特製編輯的影片訊號,於腦中傳遞聲音訊息、影像概念.....使摧殘精神或迷失
十. 心理戰術,利用人性弱點,使人們互相失去信任...等
十一. 這個社區有可能被用做實驗的對象....有的可能極輕微或短暫但可能有較嚴重者,希望多幫忙,居安要思危,多關懷別人,也要多加留心自己的安全
十二. 2002年被中共恐嚇經驗,6.9「喂,你是不是不想活了」6.14「美國駐巴大使館爆炸案是我們做的」「江澤民要我們害死你,但不要鬧太大」6.16「巴國民兵坦誠美國駐巴大使館爆炸案是他們所為,是我們要他們講的,怎樣」6.19「喂,你乾脆去自殺」「我們要再利用公車作謀殺」6.20「燒碳自殺,知道了嗎」6.25「江澤民愈看你愈不爽」7.5「去撞頭」
十三. 觀察中共干擾人們腦裡產生聲音、影像(夢境)的解析度、準確度,干擾源定要有一定以上頻率才能做到,所以是電磁波不會錯(純粹猜測)?但不知這干擾源頻率範圍?何種電磁波隔離室,有隔離效果?(人腦.心.肌肉都有電流活動.加速度電荷產生,空間中即會生一對應電磁波)